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      DREI KRONEN(三皇冠)啤酒坊是世界上最古老的世袭酿酒坊之一,拥有700多年的酿酒历史,已经全权落户北京。坐落于朝阳工人体育场东路(工体东门的马路对面),中国红街大厦5号楼独栋。营业区域分为:一层450㎡可容纳120人,二层90㎡可容纳60人、三层200㎡可容纳70人的14米高营业空间。更有超大面积600㎡露台可容纳150人。为您的日常聚会提供最贴心的服务与享受

    进入餐厅就会感到扑面而来的德国文化,身穿传统巴伐利亚装的女孩会盛情接待贵宾的光临。德国顶级品牌酿酒设备Cspary(卡斯巴瑞),和来自德国酿酒原料,再由世袭酿酒师Mr. Andreas用700年的前专供皇室的酿酒配方和传统工序酿造出北京独一无二的巴伐利亚自酿啤酒。配以具有多年德餐经验的主厨为贵宾精心烹制德国传统美食:烤猪膝和各种地道的德国香肠。DK1308皇冠自酿啤酒坊成为中外宾客品味德国啤酒文化德国美食休闲娱乐的最佳场所。

    Drei Kronen 1308 Brauhaus and Restaurant Beijing is the only one traditional German Brauhaus, where you can experience the culture of Bavaria brewed beer ,every distinguished guest can enjoy thick German Bavarian style here from the freshness and purity of home-brewed beer to the decoration and the service of the restaurant.

    Drei Kronen 1308 Brauhaus and Restaurant Beijing (DK1308) located at Block 5,China View Building, opposite the East Gate of Worker’ Stadium, Chaoyang District, Beijing, People’s Repubilc of China is the place to experience Bavarian culture and tradition German home brewed beer and home cooked food. Founded more than 700 years ago in year 1308,DERI KROMEN(Three Crowns)Brewery, is one of the world’s oldest hereditary Brauhaus.

   From using the Best Brewing Equipment“Caspary”and brewing in accordance to the Geman purity law. Our in-house Brew Master traditional brewing method and all the best raw material imported from Germany to create the great selection of Lager, Dark and Wheat Beers. Mr. Andreas is also the consultant to our team of experienced chef in creating the traditional German and Bavarian cuisine. The interior and the decoration of the Brauhaus with more than 2000square meter can accommodate more than 600 people indoor and outdoor is the place to enjoy the great traditional Bavarian Beers, Food and Hospitality